I just wanted you to meet the best dog that I’ve had in this lifetime so far.
I come from a dog family and canine friends have brought joy and happiness and peace to me and my family so many times. If I count correctly, I’ve had a totally of 9 dogs in my life that I considered “my dog” – as in a part of the family.
Sundance came into my life in 2006. Sixteen years ago this year. Sundance is (sigh… was) a Golden Doodle crossback, that means that one of his parents was a 50%/50% poodle / golden retriever mix, and the other parent was 100% poodle. So he looked kind of like a bog golden poodle.
He was refined his entire life. When we brought him into our home when he was 8 weeks (??) old, he never once messed in the house. He arrived at the airport in a shipping crate… he had relieved himself in the crate during the trip, and my wife just placed the pad he was on outside. He understood immediately and from 8 weeks on, he knew where to go!
He also looked very elegant. Almost like those old pictures of Egyptian dogs in the pyramids with head held high, a long pointed muzzle.
And unlike any other dog I have ever met, he would look you straight in the eye and not move. It felt very much like he was seeing deeply into our souls.
Anyway, he has now left us. And he will be greatly missed.
Our family’s health is so much better for the thousands of walks we took him on, for the joy he brought into every moment, and for his calming presence, that I want to help you to see how you can get your dog to help you live a better life.